This is your PTA!
We are a volunteer, membership-based organization. Many families support our programs by becoming PTA members and volunteering their time. Tell us your ideas for how to build a vibrant organization that supports our school and our children. Send us an email at, call us at 919-942-6491 ext. 37112, come to a PTA meeting or a PTA activity. Everyone is welcome!
The PTA’s Goals
- Inspire all FPG Bilingüe families and staff to get involved
- Communicate effectively in both English and Spanish
- Encourage families and staff to share their ideas
- Organize events to build community, enrich student learning, and celebrate Hispanic and other cultures
- Connect families and staff with each other and to school, district, and community resources
- Raise funds to support instruction, school facilities, and family/community needs

The PTA Provides Opportunities For Our Kids
- We fund After School clubs
- We fund Educational Cultural Arts Programs and Speakers/Assemblies
- We support Girls on the Run
We celebrate our diversity by sponsoring Hispanic Heritage and African American History Month celebrations, Copa Mundial, and a bilingual Library
- We fund Technology learning programs
The PTA Supports Our School
- We empower Teachers by helping to fund Teacher Wish Lists and Special Classroom Requests
- We offer Volunteer Support, organizing Room Parents and volunteers for School Events
- We host Staff Appreciation events throughout the year
- We help stock the Nurse Room
- We renovate and maintain the Playground
- Raise funds to support instruction, school facilities, and family/community needs

The PTA Builds Community
- We host Back to School events
- We host activities that encourage learning, fellowship and fun (Bingo Night, Family Movie Night, STEAM Night, and Copa Mundial)
- We host Fall and Spring Book Fairs
The PTA Works to Improve Communication
- We host a FPGB Community Facebook Group
- We maintain the PTA website
- We hold monthly Board Meetings and semi-annual official business General Meetings
- We provide PTA related updates and announcements in the Principal’s Sunday email to all families