FPG Bilingüe is hosting a Copa Mundial (World Cup) on Friday, May 2nd, 2025 from 5:00pm-8:00pm. Copa Mundial is a school-wide soccer tournament that will include an opening ceremony and a fan festival with music, games, and activities.

We are seeking Copa Mundial sponsors from our local business community. Sponsorships will be used to support our teachers, to provide needed resources to the school, and to build community. These funds will be used to support classroom needs that were not funded by the school district. Sponsorships will also fund after-school clubs, cultural programming, and school-wide events for FPG families, as well as teacher appreciation events throughout the year.

We offer the following sponsorship opportunities:

Tournament Sponsors ($200) and Festival Sponsors ($100) receive the following benefits:

  • Tournament Sponsors:

  • Logo on banners that will be carried by students in the opening ceremony and displayed on the sidelines during the tournament
  • Sponsorship announced by the emcee during the opening ceremony
  • Festival Sponsors:

  • Logo on a large display thanking Festival Sponsors at the entrance to the Fan Festival
  • Logo in proximity to one game or activity
  • All Sponsors:
  • B&W logo in the event program and business name included in message to all parents
  • Logo included on a large display, promoting the event and thanking sponsors, outside school during the week leading up to the event and at the entrance to the event on May 2nd

Event Sponsors ($300) receive all of the benefits of Tournament and Festival Sponsors. In addition, for the remainder of 2025, we will acknowledge your sponsorship by displaying your logo in the FPGB lobby and your logo with website link on our PTA website (https://fpgpta.org/).

To become a Copa Mundial Sponsor, please submit your contact info and payment using the form below.

The FPG PTA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organized under the North Carolina PTA, and your Copa Mundial sponsorship is tax deductible. The FPGB PTA Tax ID # is 58-1595686.

Thank you for your support.